Monday, July 26, 2010
You & Me
I'm trying to loosely get caught up on major 2010 events in my scrapbooking (haha...we will see). I'm not a huge chronological scrapbooker, but Adam likes that better, and I like get pictures out of piles and into pages. Anyways, this was a fun weekend I had with T & T earlier this year, for Tori's birthday celebration and Taylor spending the night and going to the Mother-Daughter banquet (since Melissa had Tori's party that day). This picture is a teensy bit blurry, I think it part because sometimes I sharpen things in Picasa and then they look blurry elsewhere...any suggestions on that?
Anyways, this is seriously one of my favorite pages ever. I love the soft girly-ness of it!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Happy Birthday, Mama!
Today, I like to wish a very happy birthday to my Mama! She has been a wonderful example of both a wife and mother, as well as a Godly lady. I am SO blessed to have her in my life and I love her so very, very much!

Happy birthday, Mama! Love you! Amber

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Alphabet Thickers "Print"
I have been enamored lately with all the cute alphabet prints out there for babies...due to my hectic lifestyle, I am figuring if I want babies in the next oh, I don't know, ten years, I better start making stuff now, so...voila! I made my own alphabet "print" version with American Crafts Thickers and a white frame I had on hand...I'm pretty fond of how it turned out! What do you think?
Enjoy your weekend! Amber
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
True Love
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Six Flags Fun!
So a couple weeks ago, Adam and I were blessed enough to get the opportunity to chaperone our church's youth trip and this year it happened to include a day at Six Flags. I wanted to post just a few pictures because these are from Stephen's (our brother-in-law) first "real" roller coaster...and they make me laugh!
Adam & I before the ride:
Adam demonstrating the proper "rollercoaster technique" - hahahaha!
The roller coaster!
The hair - after the ride! Haha!
Have a great day!
Adam & I before the ride:
Have a great day!
Friday, July 9, 2010
CPA Exam Studying...
I kindof feel like this....exhausted, fed up with a messy house, and sometimes catching myself doing more page skimming than actual studying...which results in a mental scolding...haha..
...but to cheer myself up, I secretly like to pretend I'm cute & chipper and loving this studying stage of my life...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Shell Island Adventure pt.2
So after a few hours at Shell Island, we went back to B + M's hotel room and took naps. Taylor wasn't budging from her position on the bed so I curled up on one end while Adam was comfortably stretched out...haha! I wish I had got a picture of that! Adam was getting some Tori snuggles while she was still sleepy...she was a little grumpy, haha!
Taylor and me, all prettied up...
Somebody looooooooves their Uncle Adam...who could it be?
Somebody loves Taylor even when all she wants is Uncle Adam...who could it be?
Melissa, Nana, and me (hey Nana!)
Melissa and me...
Tori was ready to examine the menu...
I have the handsomest husband.
And the cutest little nieces...
And the best friends around...
And Uncle Adam is going to be such a good daddy one day...
I am so blessed!
p.s. Then they rode the airboat until it rained and we went home. Boondocks was yummy. I am so thankful for friends that are so fun to be with. I am thankful you can love people who are NOT your blood relatives, just as if they were! I am thankful for people who care enough about you to INVEST in your life (thanks, Melissa, for all those advice lessons when I was a teenager and all those fun shopping trips...I've always thought you were *so* cool) and let you invest in theirs (and their cute kids)!
p.p.s. Have a great day!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Pink + Brown Baby Shower
Brace yourself: there is a gazillion cute, cute pictures in this post. We (see below) threw a shower for a Stacy (see second picture) who is having a baby girl - Presley Grace...
p.s. Please note the very cute color coordination. I am a big fan of all things color coordinated...closets, scrapbooking paper, and wardrobe choices!! Please also note above my slightly crazy j.crew flip-flops that Melissa hates...I like 'em!
Here is the whole decorated room:

The centerpieces were bags with initials that spelled out "Presley Grace" and was part of a game we played where we had baby items that started with each letter and the person with the most correct guesses won a gift card to Target or Starbucks...
This was a door sign I made using sonogram pictures and ladybugs that were also on the invitations...
We have a lot of sweet women that are pregnant at our church right now....
Water bottles & pretzel-rod favors...
We also took a picture with the mom-to-be and each guest and had them write on a 4x6 card some advice and are in the process of putting them in an album (picture side by side with index card). I'll have to take picture of that project when completed!
p.s. Please note the very cute color coordination. I am a big fan of all things color coordinated...closets, scrapbooking paper, and wardrobe choices!! Please also note above my slightly crazy j.crew flip-flops that Melissa hates...I like 'em!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Grey + Yellow...
So a few weeks back, I won a challenge over at American Crafts and they sent me a delightful prize package of their I Do collection...such pretty colors...I was shocked with how much they sent me! So fun and nice! Anyways, I haven't had much time to scrapbook, but I made a pretty little card for dear Jenny, a friend of mine at work who made us a lovely lunch...
I am really liking the yellow + grey combination...grey is one of my favorite neutral colors right now!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Fourth of July!
p.s. photo credit
Friday, July 2, 2010
Shower Food Is The Best...
Don't you think? I'm a big fan of lots of little snack foods and cheese dips and meatballs. Yum.
We had a baby shower in honor of Russell (one of my bosses) becoming a first time grandaddy!
Have I ever mentioned I'm a big fan of "occasions to celebrate"? I am. I love babies, baby showers, birthdays, birthday parties, anniversaries, holidays, etc. It's just fun to me!
Anyways, Russell's son had his baby! He is so cute! And the grandparents are just glowing! It almost makes me want to make our parents this happy...but not quite yet! ;) (Sorry, Mama!)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Nanny Love
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